Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The first day of the rest of my life

I watched an episode of the Dr. Oz show yesterday, probably the first episode I have ever tuned into and it got me thinking.  The show was about the Dukan Diet, all the rage in France.  I have fallen off the Weight Watchers Wagon and when I fall off, I totally go haywire in the other direction.  I have been completely out of control in my eating for the last six months, and I am wondering if I am ready to start a weight loss plan that I can stick with.  I have been researching the Dukan Diet all day and I may be willing to try it.  My plan is to weigh myself today, then eat "sensibly" for a week.  This means low carb, lots of fruits and vegetables, and no desserts or fried foods.  This will help me clean up the fridge a bit and prepare.  Then next Monday May 9 I will start the 7 to 10 day attack phase where I will eat only protein, oat bran, and low fat dairy.  I am writing this blog to keep up with my cravings, feelings, and temptations.

As an aside I have been walking the kids to school each day and continuing after the dropoff to walk 2 laps around Hembree Park with my friend Ericka.  I am proud of being able to walk 2 laps and have been feeling better because of it.  During our walks Ericka tells me about her journey with quick weight loss.  She has lost 20 pounds and looks great and feels much better.  I think hearing her story is helping me to come around to the idea of being able to stick with something.  I have 35 days till I leave on my Alaska Cruise!

1 comment:

  1. Weighed in at 235 pounds today. Not my all time high, but ugggh!!!
